Free eBook.
Solve Workforce Challenges with Design Sprints.

If you don’t know what a Design Sprint is, you’re missing out.

Discover what Design Sprints are and why they’re so effective for solving problems very quickly.

And, learn about the new Design Sprint we’ve created for operational workforce issues; Maverick Sprint.

Design Sprint was invented by Google.

To solve problems quickly.

Sprints are group problem-solving activities lasting between 3 and 5 days. A skilled facilitator with up to 7 people from your team collaborate to solve your problem.

Design Sprints quickly align teams under a shared vision with clearly defined goals and deliverables.

Ultimately, it is a tool for developing a hypothesis, prototyping an idea, and testing it rapidly…

Solving workforce issues in days.

Avoid endless meetings and big consulting fees.

Sprints can happen face-to-face or online. They address a wide range of workforce and OD issues:

  1. Rethink organisational structures.
  2. Redesign workflows & processes.
  3. Prototype a new product.
  4. Assess technology and software.
  5. Draft a business case or problem statement.

Everything you need to know.

To solve workforce issues in days not months.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Design Sprints
Chapter 2: Why use Design Sprints for workforce issues?
Chapter 3: Preparing for a Design Sprint.
Chapter 4: The five phases of a Design Sprint.
Chapter 5: Role of the facilitator.

If you share a couple of details with us the eBook is all yours.

You will also be able to download shorter descriptions and overviews about us and Design Sprints.

No hidden surprises.

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Maverick Spark Overview
Maverick Spark Short Intro
Maverick Design Sprint eBook